Tokoroten Press (Tokorotenki) Specialized Tool Used To Make Tokoroten Noodles

Tokoroten, a Japanese delicacy, is a jelly-like substance crafted from seaweed, typically agar-agar. Introduced to Japan during the Nara period (710–794 AD), it boasts a refreshing taste and various health benefits. Often flavored with vinegar, soy sauce, or sugar, it’s cherished for its cooling properties and digestive aid. Dive into the tradition today with our Tentsuki Tokoroten Presses.

  • Large Tentsuki Tokoroten Press

    0 out of 5
    Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $39.80. inc. GST
  • Medium Tentsuki Tokoroten Press

    0 out of 5
    Original price was: $44.95.Current price is: $34.80. inc. GST

How to Use a Tokoroten Press

Using a Tokoroten Press, or Tokorotenki, is a straightforward process that ensures consistent results and the longevity of this specialized tool. To begin, prepare the kanten mixture according to your recipe, typically by dissolving kanten powder or strips in boiling water until it forms a clear liquid. While still hot and liquid, pour the mixture into the tokoroten press, filling it to the top and allowing the mixture to settle evenly. Afterward, let the kanten mixture cool and set within the press, which usually takes a few hours depending on the recipe and ambient temperature. Once the kanten has solidified into a firm jelly-like consistency, carefully remove it from the press and place it on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to slice it into thin noodle-like strips, ready to be served with your preferred toppings or dipping sauce, offering a refreshing and light taste.

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